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AZ Common Ground Reentry Services

1522 E Southern Ave
Phoenix,AZ 85012
(602) 914-9000
AZ Common Ground Reentry Services
AZ Common Ground Reentry Services
AZ Common Ground Reentry Services


Provide reentry services to medium to high-risk youth and adults once released from incarceration back to Maricopa County.

They utilize evidence-based practices (EBP) by providing all individuals who are in the program ongoing case management, educational programming, mentoring, and workforce development.

Every client starts by attending orientation and completing of an application.

Clients attend orientation for immediate resources such as:

Bus passes

Interview clothes

Food assistance

Housing assistance

Job leads

Once accepted into the Prison Reentry Program, they complete the intake process by being assessed using the Level of Service Case Management Inventory to measure their risk levels, their needs assessment, and case management plan.

Mission Statement: To support, advocate, and mentor previously incarcerated youth and adults to become servant leaders within Maricopa County.